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The Student Watch was an initiative created in partnership with the Neighbourhood Watch and Co-op that empowered students to support each other on campus and in their community to create a safer, happier environment. Often, students’ opinions on how they think their wider communities could be improved go unheard. Student Watch enables students to connect with and support others on campus and in their local community.
The Lookout termly magazine was full of incredible stories written by students for students. It also featured stories of students across the country who are doing amazing things to bring their campus and local community together, advice on safety and wellbeing, and how to get involved with local volunteering opportunities.
I did the design and layout of The Lookout and the Student Watch, liaised with student illustrators and created clear and varied ways of communicating the written information. We are currently designing the seventh issue of the magazine with over 120k magazines handed out on campus and in Co-op Stores.